Firstly Of all I Say that am too a learner now, i just want to share small Tip and Tutorial which helps me a lot to Create CG scene. Any Suggestion or Comments are most Welcome.
For Rename Shading Group in Autodesk Maya With 1 Step.copy this MEL to your Script Editor
@echo off
color 0a
title Happy B-Day
color 0a
echo .-..-. .---. _ .-. .-. .-. .-.
echo : :; : : .; ::_; .' `.: : : : : :
echo : : .--. .---. .---. .-..-. : .'.-..--.`. .': `-. .-' : .--. .-..-.: :
echo : :: :' .; ; : .; `: .; `: :; : : .; :: :: ..': : : .. :' .; :' .; ; : :; ::_;
echo :_;:_;`.__,_;: ._.': ._.'`._. ; :___.':_;:_; :_; :_;:_;`.__.'`.__,_;`._. ;:_;
echo : : : : .-. : .-. :
echo :_; :_; `._.' `._.'
echo ===============================================================================
ping localhost -n 2 >nul
goto start
color 0c
echo .-..-. .---. _ .-. .-. .-. .-.
echo : :; : : .; ::_; .' `.: : : : : :
echo : : .--. .---. .---. .-..-. : .'.-..--.`. .': `-. .-' : .--. .-..-.: :
echo : :: :' .; ; : .; `: .; `: :; : : .; :: :: ..': : : .. :' .; :' .; ; : :; ::_;
echo :_;:_;`.__,_;: ._.': ._.'`._. ; :___.':_;:_; :_; :_;:_;`.__.'`.__,_;`._. ;:_;
echo : : : : .-. : .-. :
echo :_; :_; `._.' `._.'
echo ===============================================================================
ping localhost -n 2 >nul
goto a
color 0B
echo .-..-. .---. _ .-. .-. .-. .-.
echo : :; : : .; ::_; .' `.: : : : : :
echo : : .--. .---. .---. .-..-. : .'.-..--.`. .': `-. .-' : .--. .-..-.: :
echo : :: :' .; ; : .; `: .; `: :; : : .; :: :: ..': : : .. :' .; :' .; ; : :; ::_;
echo :_;:_;`.__,_;: ._.': ._.'`._. ; :___.':_;:_; :_; :_;:_;`.__.'`.__,_;`._. ;:_;
echo : : : : .-. : .-. :
echo :_; :_; `._.' `._.'
echo ===============================================================================
ping localhost -n 2 >nul
goto main
For Rename Shading Group in Autodesk Maya With 1 Step.copy this MEL to your Script Editor
- paste this Mel in your script editor and hit enter to proceed the command.
- now you see a new window come put the name of shader in that, select the main shader and HIT rename.
- done :)
- global string $nodeName; global string $value1;
//Change these values to have your own nomenclature
string $shadingEngine = "_SE";
string $anisotropic = "_A";
string $blinn = "_B";
string $lambert = "_L";
string $oceanShader = "_OS";
string $layeredShader = "_LS";
string $phong = "_P";
string $phongE = "_PE";
string $rampShader = "_RS";
string $shadingMap = "_SM";
string $surfaceShader = "_SS";
string $useBackground = "_UB";
string $displacementShader = "_Disp";
string $bulge = "_Bulg";
string $checker = "_Chekr";
string $cloth = "_Clth";
string $file = "_F";
string $fractal = "_Frctl";
string $grid = "_Grid";
string $mountain = "_Mtn";
string $movie = "_Mvie";
string $noise = "_Noiz";
string $ocean = "_Ocean";
string $ramp = "_Ramp";
string $water = "_Watr";
string $brownian = "_Brwn";
string $cloud = "_Cld";
string $crater = "_Crtr";
string $leather = "_Lez";
string $marble = "_Marbl";
string $rock = "_Rock";
string $snow = "_Snow";
string $solidFractal = "_Sfrc";
string $stucco = "_Stuc";
string $volumeNoise = "_Vnoik=z";
string $wood = "_Wood";
string $envBall = "_EnvB";
string $envChrome = "_EnvCr";
string $envCube = "_EnvC";
string $envSphere = "_EnvS";
string $layeredTexture = "_LayTx";
string $arraymapper = "_Arm";
string $bump2d = "_B2d";
string $bump3d = "_B3d";
string $condition = "_Cond";
string $heightField = "_8Fld";
string $lightInfo = "_Lnfo";
string $multiplyDivide = "_XD";
string $place2dTexture = "_P2d";
string $place3dTexture = "_P3d";
string $plusMinusAverage = "_Avrg";
string $projection = "_Proj";
string $reverse = "_Rvrs";
string $samplerInfo = "_Sinfo";
string $setRange = "_Srng";
string $stencil = "_Stcl";
string $uvChooser = "_UvC";
string $vectorProduct = "_Vprod";
string $blendColors = "_Bcol";
string $clamp = "_Clmp";
string $contrast = "_Cntrst";
string $gammaCorrect = "_Gamacrct";
string $hsvToRgb = "_Hsv2Rgb";
string $luminance = "_Lumi";
string $rgbToHsv = "_Rgb2Hsv";
string $surfaceLuminance = "_Slum";
string $doubleSwitch = "_Dswtch";
string $quadSwitch = "_Qswtch";
string $singleSwitch = "_Sswtch";
string $tripleSwitch = "_Tswtch";
//Rename proc
proc SNRrenameProc (string $selected, string $nodeName, string $SNW)
string $newName = $selected + $nodeName;
catch (`rename -is $SNW $newName`);
//Shading network Renamer main proc
global proc SNRenamer()
global string $value1;
string $material = `textField -q -text $value1`;
string $selected[] = `ls -sl`;
if (size($selected) == 0)
warning ("you must select a material node (lambert, blinn, anisotropic...)");
for ($i=0;$i<size($selected);$i++)
string $SG[] = `listConnections -type shadingEngine $selected[$i]`;
if ($SG[0] == "" || $SG[0] == "initialShadingGroup")
warning ("you must select a material node (lambert, blinn, anisotropic...)");
select -noExpand `listHistory $SG[0]`;
string $SNW[] = `ls -sl`;
for ($k=0;$k<size($SNW);$k++)
global string $nodeName;
string $nodeType = `nodeType $SNW[$k]`;
if (
$nodeType == "shadingEngine" || $nodeType == "anisotropic" || $nodeType == "blinn"
|| $nodeType == "lambert" || $nodeType == "oceanShader" || $nodeType == "layeredShader"
|| $nodeType == "phong" || $nodeType == "phongE" || $nodeType == "rampShader"
|| $nodeType == "shadingMap" || $nodeType == "surfaceShader" || $nodeType == "useBackground"
|| $nodeType == "displacementShader" || $nodeType == "checker" || $nodeType == "cloth"
|| $nodeType == "file" || $nodeType == "fractal" || $nodeType == "grid"
|| $nodeType == "mountain" || $nodeType == "movie" || $nodeType == "noise"
|| $nodeType == "ramp" || $nodeType == "water" || $nodeType == "brownian"
|| $nodeType == "cloud" || $nodeType == "crater" || $nodeType == "leather"
|| $nodeType == "marble" || $nodeType == "rock" || $nodeType == "snow"
|| $nodeType == "solidFractal" || $nodeType == "stucco" || $nodeType == "volumeNoise"
|| $nodeType == "wood" || $nodeType == "envBall" || $nodeType == "envChrome"
|| $nodeType == "envCube" || $nodeType == "envSphere" || $nodeType == "layeredTexture"
|| $nodeType == "arraymapper" || $nodeType == "bump2d" || $nodeType == "bump3d"
|| $nodeType == "condition" || $nodeType == "heightField" || $nodeType == "lightInfo"
|| $nodeType == "multiplyDivide" || $nodeType == "place2dTexture" || $nodeType == "place3dTexture"
|| $nodeType == "plusMinusAverage" || $nodeType == "projection" || $nodeType == "reverse"
|| $nodeType == "samplerInfo" || $nodeType == "setRange" || $nodeType == "stencil"
|| $nodeType == "uvChooser" || $nodeType == "vectorProduct" || $nodeType == "blendColors"
|| $nodeType == "clamp" || $nodeType == "contrast" || $nodeType == "gammaCorrect"
|| $nodeType == "hsvToRgb" || $nodeType == "luminance" || $nodeType == "rgbToHsv"
|| $nodeType == "surfaceLuminance" || $nodeType == "doubleSwitch" || $nodeType == "quadSwitch"
|| $nodeType == "singleSwitch" || $nodeType == "_Sswtch" || $nodeType == "tripleSwitch"
|| $nodeType == "_Tswtch" || $nodeType == "ocean"
string $nodeTypeVar = "$" + $nodeType;
eval ("string $nodeName = " + $nodeTypeVar);
SNRrenameProc ($material,$nodeName,$SNW[$k]);
select -cl;
global proc SNR_UI()
if (!`window -exists "ShaderName"`)
global string $attr1Out, $attr2In, $value1, $value2;
window -wh 400 100 -title "Shading Network Renamer by Parabhdeep_S" ShaderName;
rowColumnLayout -numberOfColumns 2 -columnAttach 1 "right" 0
-columnWidth 1 100 -columnWidth 2 250;
text -label "Name";
string $value1 = `textField`;
button -label "rename" -c "SNRenamer";
showWindow ShaderName;
showWindow ShaderName;
@echo off
title "Welcome To The Matrix"
color 9
mode 1000
echo %random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%
goto matrixbynima
@echo off
title "Welcome To The Matrix"
color 9
mode 1000
echo %random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%
goto matrixbynima
@echo off
color 0a
title Happy B-Day
color 0a
echo .-..-. .---. _ .-. .-. .-. .-.
echo : :; : : .; ::_; .' `.: : : : : :
echo : : .--. .---. .---. .-..-. : .'.-..--.`. .': `-. .-' : .--. .-..-.: :
echo : :: :' .; ; : .; `: .; `: :; : : .; :: :: ..': : : .. :' .; :' .; ; : :; ::_;
echo :_;:_;`.__,_;: ._.': ._.'`._. ; :___.':_;:_; :_; :_;:_;`.__.'`.__,_;`._. ;:_;
echo : : : : .-. : .-. :
echo :_; :_; `._.' `._.'
echo ===============================================================================
ping localhost -n 2 >nul
goto start
color 0c
echo .-..-. .---. _ .-. .-. .-. .-.
echo : :; : : .; ::_; .' `.: : : : : :
echo : : .--. .---. .---. .-..-. : .'.-..--.`. .': `-. .-' : .--. .-..-.: :
echo : :: :' .; ; : .; `: .; `: :; : : .; :: :: ..': : : .. :' .; :' .; ; : :; ::_;
echo :_;:_;`.__,_;: ._.': ._.'`._. ; :___.':_;:_; :_; :_;:_;`.__.'`.__,_;`._. ;:_;
echo : : : : .-. : .-. :
echo :_; :_; `._.' `._.'
echo ===============================================================================
ping localhost -n 2 >nul
goto a
color 0B
echo .-..-. .---. _ .-. .-. .-. .-.
echo : :; : : .; ::_; .' `.: : : : : :
echo : : .--. .---. .---. .-..-. : .'.-..--.`. .': `-. .-' : .--. .-..-.: :
echo : :: :' .; ; : .; `: .; `: :; : : .; :: :: ..': : : .. :' .; :' .; ; : :; ::_;
echo :_;:_;`.__,_;: ._.': ._.'`._. ; :___.':_;:_; :_; :_;:_;`.__.'`.__,_;`._. ;:_;
echo : : : : .-. : .-. :
echo :_; :_; `._.' `._.'
echo ===============================================================================
ping localhost -n 2 >nul
goto main